Dutch Philatelic Association Scandinavia

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Skandinavian philately is very rich on stories. The stamps, covers and mail etc. tel all these stories. They give an enlightend view on the people of the high North, their culture, their nature, their communication and their history.

Many Scandinavian stamps are very detailed with expert engravings. They will lure the avid collector in the trial of their design, production and usage. This way these gems can be displayed in a very attractive way to the best of the collectors knowlegde.

The Dutch Philatelic Association Skandinavia tries to make acces to this wonderfull world for the Dutch speaking. Denmark, The Faroe Islands, Greenland, Danish West-Indies, Iceland, Finland, Aland, Norway, Schweden, all countries with an exotic flicker.

Membership of D.P.A.S.

The society offers her members cosy and informative meetings in which personal contact between members is of great importance. Collectors, and spezialised dealers make use of the meetings for exhange and trading of material.

Each meeting also has an auction, with a great diversity of material being offered. Next to this the associations magazine "Noorderlicht" is produced every 3 months, filled with news, articles, messages and reviews regarding collecting Scandinavian stamps and its postal history.


Meetings of the association are held in De Bron, Vogelplein 1, 3815 GV  Amersfoort, NL. De Bron is easy to reach by car and public transport: from the central station of Amersfoort you take bus 6, in the direction Rustenburg.

Non-members are very welcome to visit the meetings but please inform the secretary, board or PR-commisionary that you will be attending. On entering the premisis you can register as an introducé.

During meetings you can make contacts for exhange, sale of material but also catch up on the latest news. Member are present to show and trade with their stock, the latest literature can also be found

Each meeting also has an Auction with inbetween 300 to 700 lots. Viewing is possible during the meeting, bids can be made in advance (the catalogue will be online available throug this website) or bids can be made in person.

Ofcourse it is possible to eat and drink something during these meetings.

"The Northern Lights" (Het Noorderlicht)

Members do recieve a quaterly publised magazine called "Noorderlicht" i.e. "Northern Lights". Next to the regular messages of the board, bookreviews this consists of interesting articles regarding Skandinavian philately mainly published by the members of the association.

Stamp exhange system DPAS

The association offers her members a stamp-exhange system in which members can buy and sell their stamps. These booklets circulate among members. In the comfort of your own surrondings you can anlyse the offerings and select the material you would like to extend your collection with. Members can also make booklets to be part of this circulair system. Not only specialists feel at home but a lot of starters and thematic collectors can also find their needs within  this system as wel. Please note Dutch residents only!

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